See You Later, Alligator

By author Rachael Long, The alligator at the City Zoo has a secret, and everyone knows about it, except Jimmy. What secrets could alligators possibly have? wondered Jimmy. They seemed kind of boring to him with sleeping all the time. Or are they? Join Jimmy on a thrilling adventure as he travels through a magic tunnel from his hometown zoo in California to the Everglades National Park in Florida, where he comes face to face with wild alligators, a terrifying reality in the swamp. But, along the way, he meets Manny, who takes him on a tour of the swamp, revealing an astonishing secret about alligators that changes Jimmy's mind about these top predators. But danger strikes when they run into a poacher who's illegally hunting alligators. Can Jimmy rely on his talent for connecting with animals to save the alligators before it's too late? Find out more in this thrilling story that reveals why alligators are needed in the wild, how they sense our world, and how we can all live together safely for everyone's benefit, animals, and people alike.

About This Book

By author Rachael Long, The alligator at the City Zoo has a secret, and everyone knows about it, except Jimmy. What secrets could alligators possibly have? wondered Jimmy. They seemed kind of boring to him with sleeping all the time. Or are they? Join Jimmy on a thrilling adventure as he travels through a magic tunnel from his hometown zoo in California to the Everglades National Park in Florida, where he comes face to face with wild alligators, a terrifying reality in the swamp. But, along the way, he meets Manny, who takes him on a tour of the swamp, revealing an astonishing secret about alligators that changes Jimmy’s mind about these top predators. But danger strikes when they run into a poacher who’s illegally hunting alligators. Can Jimmy rely on his talent for connecting with animals to save the alligators before it’s too late? Find out more in this thrilling story that reveals why alligators are needed in the wild, how they sense our world, and how we can all live together safely for everyone’s benefit, animals, and people alike.
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The alligator at the City Zoo has a secret, and everyone knows about it, except Jimmy. What secrets could alligators possibly have? wondered Jimmy. They seemed kind of boring to him with sleeping all the time. Or are they? Join Jimmy on a thrilling adventure as he travels through a magic tunnel from his hometown zoo in California to the Everglades National Park in Florida, where he comes face to face with wild alligators, a terrifying reality in the swamp. But, along the way, he meets Manny, who takes him on a tour of the swamp, revealing an astonishing secret about alligators that changes Jimmy’s mind about these top predators. But danger strikes when they run into a poacher who’s illegally hunting alligators. Can Jimmy rely on his talent for connecting with animals to save the alligators before it’s too late? Find out more in this thrilling story that reveals why alligators are needed in the wild, how they sense our world, and how we can all live together safely for everyone’s benefit, animals, and people alike.

Rachael Long is a UC ANR Cooperative Extension Advisor Emeritus.

She’s a graduate of UC Berkeley and UC Davis, with an MSe in Biology. Her work focuses on habitat restoration on farmlands, with a special interest in looking for ways to share our world with wildlife. She’s the recipient of the prestigious UC Bradford-Rominger Agricultural Sustainability Leadership Award and is the author of the Black Rock Desert trilogy, Nanding Ross is a graduate of California Polytech State University, San Luis Obispo, with a degree in horticulture.

Additional information

Weight 4.752 oz
Dimensions 5.000 × 7.000 in