The Missing Link to a Prosperous Life

GOD’S DESIRE IS FOR EVERY CHRISTIAN TO PROSPER AND BE IN HEALTH In order for believers to prosper as God has predestined us to, we must submit ourselves to God’s plan and to His order. God’s call on every Christian is to work together for the glory of His Kingdom. This book is vital for Christians today to understand God’s divine order that they may flourish in every area of their lives. This book looks at the importance of the pastor and the local church and how they affect your prosperity and are vital to your protection in these last days. Discover how honoring authority helps us to walk in authority. Learn how to find your wealthy place, fulfill your destiny, and the real truth about submission. If you have a heart for God and want to see His will done in this Earth then this book will without fail prove to be a treasure to you. It will inspire you to have a passion for God’s Kingdom, for His work, and for His people. Truly you will know what it means to have and enjoy a prosperous life.

About This Book

GOD’S DESIRE IS FOR EVERY CHRISTIAN TO PROSPER AND BE IN HEALTH In order for believers to prosper as God has predestined us to, we must submit ourselves to God’s plan and to His order. God’s call on every Christian is to work together for the glory of His Kingdom. This book is vital for Christians today to understand God’s divine order that they may flourish in every area of their lives. This book looks at the importance of the pastor and the local church and how they affect your prosperity and are vital to your protection in these last days. Discover how honoring authority helps us to walk in authority. Learn how to find your wealthy place, fulfill your destiny, and the real truth about submission. If you have a heart for God and want to see His will done in this Earth then this book will without fail prove to be a treasure to you. It will inspire you to have a passion for God’s Kingdom, for His work, and for His people. Truly you will know what it means to have and enjoy a prosperous life.
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By Diane Miller

GOD’S DESIRE IS FOR EVERY CHRISTIAN TO PROSPER AND BE IN HEALTH In order for believers to prosper as God has predestined us to, we must submit ourselves to God’s plan and to His order. God’s call on every Christian is to work together for the glory of His Kingdom. This book is vital for Christians today to understand God’s divine order that they may flourish in every area of their lives. This book looks at the importance of the pastor and the local church and how they affect your prosperity and are vital to your protection in these last days. Discover how honoring authority helps us to walk in authority. Learn how to find your wealthy place, fulfill your destiny, and the real truth about submission. If you have a heart for God and want to see His will done in this Earth then this book will without fail prove to be a treasure to you. It will inspire you to have a passion for God’s Kingdom, for His work, and for His people. Truly you will know what it means to have and enjoy a prosperous life.